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Member Benefits

  • Each month, the Porterville Chamber answers hundreds of requests for information about services and products in our area. Calls come from residents, businesses, and those interested in joining our community. Members have experienced success through our referrals. We will let you know when you have been given multiple referrals in any given month. We want to let you know that the Chamber is working for you!
  • Relocation packets and event information bags are another source of referrals. Hundreds of these items are given to those looking for products and services annually. As a member, you can provide us with promotional materials to be placed in the hands of new customers!
  • Finding new customers is always in style. As a member of the Chamber, we bring the people and provide a multitude of opportunities for you to network with members of the public. We will invite the Ambassador Team, the Board of Directors, and many others to come to celebrate your business at a Ribbon Cutting - the perfect way to welcome you to the community. You'll be able to address the crowd and promote your business. It's fast and effective! The ribbon cutting photograph appears on social media and in the next Connect newsletter, providing you with additional value-added marketing.
  • Doing business in a social environment has its rewards. Business After Hours is a great way to meet new people, and share information. New Members will also be introduced and receive special recognition at the next First Friday Coffee.
  • There are many more networking opportunities awaiting you at workshops, meetings, special events, and other Chamber activities.
  • The Chamber Connect offers not only advertising space, but also the option to include a full-page insert to promote your business or a special new product or service.
  • The Business Directory is an advertising guide which the Chamber includes as a monthly insert in the Connect. Monthly advertising in this publication is available to all members for a nominal fee.
  • All Chamber members receive a listing under their appropriate category in the directory on the Chamber's website. A low-cost, direct link to your website is also available.
  • Likewise, your business is listed in the Community Fact Book & Buyer's Guide, which is normally published every two years. Additional, paid advertising opportunities are available in this publication which has a distribution of over 10,000 local households. Another 5,000 books are given out to prospective businesses and residents.
  • The Porterville Map, which is published by the Chamber, provides yet another advertising opportunity for our members.
  • Sponsorship of a business or community event is another way you can reap the many benefits of advertising through the Chamber. Depending upon the event, your business name/logo is placed on event brochures, posters, programs, and signboards. And, in most instances you can hang a banner at the event itself.
  • We keep an eye on local, regional, and state policies that could affect your business.  Members will receive updates on the latest legislation and can connect with their representatives from local elected officials through our monthly Government Affairs Committee (GAC) meeting.
  • A Chamber membership is a deductible business expense, one with a great return on investment. Your membership decal makes a statement to your customers and associates. You're telling them that you are part of a long-standing, reputable business organization, and you care about your business, and the local economy.
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